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Gun Law’s Of Texas
Stages of Grief
Colorful Stained Glass windowed
Colorful Stained Glass Window is my art project and the link gives you instructions to make the picture above!
My 8th BirthDay
”Happy birthday to you” was the first thing I heard when I woke up on August 7,2011.We were celebrating my 8th birth day.I chose to go to lake Tyler,one of my favorite places.When we got to the lake,my parents let me open my biggest present.I was very excited because it was a huge wrapped present.I tore into it like it was a gold mine worth a million bucks.The most awesome knee board I have ever see.Was my surprise.I can’t wait to ride it.My family,including my grand parents,climbed on the boat and headed out for a fun day at the lake.After wake boarding for a bout two hours,I was ready to give my new birthday present a try.I rode my cool board until my knees were hurting. the best part of the day was when my 63 year old grandma showed us she could also wake board.weened the special day with a family picnic
Spring pomes
December 7, 1941
President Roosevelt called the attack “a date which will live in infamy”
Entry into World War II
Attack happened on December 7, 1941
Row of Battleships included Arizona, Maryland, Nevada, and Tennessee
Lives were lost on both sides
Honoring those who served is The World War II Memorial
A few heroes were Captain Bennion, 1st Lt. Sanders, and 2nd Lt. Taylor
Roosevelt was the President of the United States
Base was attacked by the Japanese
On the morning of December 7, the attack occurred
Respect is shown each year by flying flags half-staff on December 7